Spreadsheet Functions

Examples of how to use functions to get the best out of your spreadsheets

Spreadsheet Functions

Email Address Domain Count

How to create a summary list of unique email domains from a list of email addresses, and count how many times they appear in that list.  Read More …


How to embed the IMPORTRANGE function within other functions in Google Sheets.  Read More …

Quick Filters for better sheets

How to create simple ‘drop-down’ filters in sheets to easily and quickly filter an imported range of data rows.  Read More …

HIGHLIGHT List Matches

How to use conditional formatting to highlight cells that appear in another list.  Read More …

Generating Unique Usernames

How to create a list of unique usernames from a list of given names and surnames.  Read More …


How to concatenate columns in a query and return the results.  Read More …


How to add or combine text or cells in Google Sheets.  Read More …


Use the IMPORTRANGE function in Google Sheets to aggregate and link information across spreadsheets.  Read More …

INDEX & MATCH Functions

How to link data from one part of a Google Sheet to another (or even between different sheets) using the INDEX and MATCH functions.  Read More …

QUERY Function

Transform, filter and aggregate sets of data using the QUERY function.  Read More …

SPLIT Function

Breaking down text values into their constituent parts using the SPLIT function.  Read More …