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Spreadsheet Functions

Examples of how to use functions to get the best out of your spreadsheets

Email Address Domain Count

How to create a summary list of unique email domains from a list of email addresses, and count how many times they appear in that list.  Read More …


How to embed the IMPORTRANGE function within other functions in Google Sheets.  Read More …

Quick Filters for better sheets

How to create simple ‘drop-down’ filters in sheets to easily and quickly filter an imported range of data rows.  Read More …

HIGHLIGHT List Matches

How to use conditional formatting to highlight cells that appear in another list.  Read More …

Generating Unique Usernames

How to create a list of unique usernames from a list of given names and surnames.  Read More …


How to concatenate columns in a query and return the results.  Read More …


How to add or combine text or cells in Google Sheets.  Read More …


Use the IMPORTRANGE function in Google Sheets to aggregate and link information across spreadsheets.  Read More …

INDEX & MATCH Functions

How to link data from one part of a Google Sheet to another (or even between different sheets) using the INDEX and MATCH functions.  Read More …

QUERY Function

Transform, filter and aggregate sets of data using the QUERY function.  Read More …

SPLIT Function

Breaking down text values into their constituent parts using the SPLIT function.  Read More …


Step-by-step guides to making things happen

Columns by header name

Columns can move, and when using complex formulas (such as importrange), this can lead to problems. Here is how to address a column by its header value, rather than it’s position.  Read More …

Mac Log Off Clearing Script

How to use a logoff script to clear authenticated web sessions on a Mac  Read More …

Proxies and your Chromebook

If you are using a Chromebook in a school environment, you may need to make a few small adjustments to your network settings to successfully connect via a proxy server.  Read More …

Creating expanded rows from data

Like a database query join, how to denormalise tabular data to create expanded rows, ideal for mail-merges and data imports.  Read More …

Finding Duplicates

How to identify duplicate values or rows in Google Sheets.  Read More …

Find from a list

How to use the FIND function with an array of values to search for individual characters or words.  Read More …

Aggregating data

How to aggregate data from different rows and columns for further processing.  Read More …

Identifying dissimilar duplicates

How to identify duplicate rows in a sheet that have dissimilar values, such as multiple grades for the same student in the same subject from different teachers.  Read More …

Making column headers from values

How to transpose values to become headers, adding extra blank columns in between the values as well.  Read More …

Query using dates

Use the QUERY function to return results before, on or after a certain or relative, date.  Read More …


Writings about coding & development

Form Response Notifications

Use Google Apps Script to send notifications to different recipients based on a form value (e.g. organisation).  Read More …

How to show menus and sidebars configuration to write more flexible App Scripts.  Read More …

Configurable App Scripts

Combining user and general configuration to write more flexible App Scripts.  Read More …