A start of term chore, but also an opportunity to brush up on your spreadsheet & data-handling skills to make the rest of the year easier and more productive!
Taking a little time to set up a sheets-based markbook at the start of the year will pay dividends in terms of productivity, organisation and time-saving through the year (especially when it comes to reporting deadlines!). Few people would doubt the importance of using a markbook to track student progress, but a well structured and organised spreadsheet will just make this traditional tool much more powerful and easier to keep updated.
Setting it up
If you would like to keep things simple, you should probably opt for just a single spreadsheet1 with a tab / individual sheet2 for each group that you teach during the year. If you have a lot of classes, need to share some class marks (but not all of them) with other teachers, or more complex needs (such as extra tabs for analysis etc.) then by all means use multiple spreadsheets. It doesn’t make too much difference from a technological point of view, it simply comes down to what suits you best.
Don’t worry too much about this at the moment, as it’s fairly trivial to consolidate multiple spreadsheets into a single spreadsheet, or split a single spreadsheet into one for each class. For most people, a single spreadsheet to act as your markbook for the year should be more than sufficient.
Creating the sheet
To kick off the process, you’ll need to create a new spreadsheet in your Google Drive. As with all documents that you might end up sharing, you should name it appropriately. If you were to name it ‘Markbook’ or even ‘My Markbook - Academic Year xxxx’ then that will mean something to you (e.g. it’s in your drive, and you know who me is) but if you share it with others in your school / organisation then you’re making life harder for them! They will end up with lots of spreadsheets shared with them, all called ‘Markbook’. This will force them to check the owner each time they want to find a particular group / teacher. Instead, make sure you include some contextual details (e.g. your name or teacher/staff ‘code’ if you use one). A good naming convention might be ‘Markbook - Year xx-xx - CODE / NAME’.
Once you have a named, blank markbook in front of you, create and name sheets / tabs for each class you’ll be teaching during the year. If possible, rename these sheets to match the class or group codes you use across your school. For example, using a name like ‘My Year 11s’ may mean something to you, it’s likely not to be very helpful to others who don’t necessarily know that whilst you are a Biology teacher, you also only teach Chemistry to Year 11. Using the standardised codes (such as 11Chem-1 or 11CH1) that everyone in your organisation would recognise and understand makes for happier colleagues and fewer mistakes! Furthermore, if you use the same codes that are used in your MIS or timetable it makes automated extraction or submission of data for reporting much quicker and easier for you as well.
Adding the columns
You will need two types of columns in your markbook, the first are for information about the students (e.g. name, identifier, email, previous attainment or ‘working at’ level etc.). The second are for assignments or assessments about which you wish to collect marks or grades. It is a good idea to use two or three rows for your column headers, as this gives you the opportunity to add extra ‘meta’ information about each assignment. This meta information might be the maximum mark for that piece of work, which is useful for calculation percentages automatically or the date due, which means you can easily highlight/color cells with missing marks once that date has passed.
Student information
For the student information, three columns should be considered the absolute minimum. You will need (normally your first column) a unique identifier for the student to help facilitate submission or aggregation of marks in the future (students may share the same name). Different organisations may call this identifier by a different label (Student Id, Student Number, Enrolment or Admission Number etc.) but it should be widely recognisable and understood within the organisation.
When choosing which identifier to use, you should not use identifiers that are considered privileged or sensitive information (typically those that have a national meaning, such as a UPN in the UK) and make sure that identifier is one that has been generated and assigned by your organisation. Not only does this mean that unwelcome changes are unlikely, but also it will facilitate easier information movement around your systems.
Some people prefer to concatenate names into a single column (e.g. John Doe, or Doe, Jane) rather than having an individual columns for their family and given names. This comes down to personal preference, and whether you wish to be able to sort on individual ‘parts’ of the name. Remember that in sheets you can sort on any column you wish (and change it whenever you would like), so you can order your markbook by name, attainment or even seating position.
Finally, you should also try to include a column for student email address / google apps username. This will make integrating your markbook with Google Classroom and automatically sharing progress with students much easier. Depending on the environment in which you teach, you may wish to include columns for previous attainment, seating position, preferred nomenclature, or further information that you feel is useful. You should also try to freeze the columns referring to the student so that they remain always visible whilst you are scrolling through the assignment columns.
If you appreciate a well-formatted and visually neat markbook, and you are using multiple rows for your headings (see below) you can merge the student column headings into a single cell. Then you can vertically align the cell text to the top, middle or bottom depending upon how you prefer it.
Assignment information
Depending upon how you choose to mark/grade assignments or tasks, you may need one or two columns for each piece of work for which you would like to record data. If possible, you should try to stick to a single column, although there are some cases (where you need to display a percentage from a raw mark) where you will need two.
In the top cell of your assignment, you should put the title of the assignment, followed by the date due (if required) and the maximum mark (if numerically graded) in the cells below this. If you would like to add further notes about the assignment (for yourself) you are best served adding a note to the cell, rather than an extra row. If you do this, and you can keep the title as short as possible (enabling text-wrapping within the cell should help too) you can minimise the width of the column. Narrower columns means it is easier to see more data (e.g. which helps_ contextualise information_ & identify trends or concerns) on a single screen.
Adding your data
At this point you’re ready to add your class lists, which can be done in a number of ways.
If you have easy access to your MIS or school database, the most simple way to import your classes is to copy and paste from there. If you are able to access a webpage with the student list for your particular class, all you need to do is highlight the data, then copy it ctrl-c. Then return to your sheet and paste it ctrl-v. You can remove any unwanted formatting or borders using the format tools in the toolbar at the top of the sheet. Whilst this method is both quick and easy, the main drawback is that the imported data is static. When it changes in your MIS (names or attainment grades updated) these changes are not reflected in your markbook.
As an alternative, some organisations may provide a master sheet with all the class or student data in an accessible format. If this is the case in your school, you can use a number of different functions to access and use this data. You will first need to ask for the spreadsheet id and sheet name of the data spreadsheet in order to use it. Your support team or data manager should be able to supply this. The master spreadsheet is simply a normal spreadsheet that all your staff will have ‘read’ access to. A simplified version of this master data might look something like this:
Id | Given Name | Family Name | Class |
1000 | John | Doe | 11EN |
1001 | Jane | Doe | 11EN |
1002 | A | Person | 11EN |
1003 | Another | Person | 11EN |
You can then import the list of students for a particular class by entering the following formula. You will need to replace the placeholders with your supplied ID and sheet name. The first time you use the importrange function you will need to authorise access to the sheet from which you are importing the data. You can do this by clicking on the button that will appear when you hover over the cell.
QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("SPREADSHEET_ID", "SHEET_NAME!A:D"), "select * where Col4 = '11EN'")
The formula above consists of two individual functions combined together (the result of the first function is fed, or piped, into the second). The first (inner) function imports the data from the master sheet. The second (outer) function filters it using a query to extract only the relevant rows. The query function allows you to filter the imported data using various conditions. In this case, we are looking for all the rows where Column 4 (Class) matches 11EN. You can also sort the imported data directly by including an order by clause. The formula below will sort first by Column 3 (Family Name) then by Column 2 (Given Name) if more that one student shares the same value in the primary sort column.
"select * where Col4 = '11EN' order by Col3, Col2")
Whilst this method is great because you don’t need to worry about keeping your markbook current with changes in names and classes (this is all done in the master sheet), there is an important word of warning if you are using this method. Whilst the formula name includes the word import, what is really means is link. If the source data changes, then you markbook will change too. This isn’t a problem if new data is only added to the end of the master sheet, or informal names change slightly, but if it is appended in the middle (e.g. when a new student joins your class mid-way through the year), then you will end up with a extra row too. This will mean that marks assigned to that student (e.g. that row) will now appear to belong to someone else. The same problem can occur when a student leaves a class and their row is deleted from the master sheet. Down this particular road, terrible data-handling mistakes lurk!
This is a common problem in spreadsheet markbooks, and often happens when data is carelessly sorted or filtered (one column is re-ordered but not all the others!). Of course, Google Sheets helps us by normally expanding our sorts to include all columns, and by providing the ability to roll-back to a previous version of the sheet if we get into a jumble - but mistakes do still happen and, even worse, remain unnoticed.
You can avoid this problem in different ways. Firstly, you could ask for joined and left columns to be added to the master spreadsheet. This would be used to track when a student joined or left a particular class, and would mean the data looks something like this:
Id | Given Name | Family Name | Class | Joined | Left |
1000 | John | Doe | 11EN | 05/09/2016 | |
1001 | Jane | Doe | 11EN | 05/09/2016 | 09/09/2016 |
1002 | A | Person | 11EN | 07/09/2016 | |
1003 | Another | Person | 11EN | 05/09/2016 |
Then, if you sorted by the joining date (Column 5) in your query function, new students will always appear at the end of your list (rather than in the middle, which causes the re-ordering problem). If student rows are not deleted from the master sheet, but merely have a leaving date appended, they won’t disappear from your markbook either. You can use the presence of a leaving date to trigger a conditional format in order to ‘grey’ out the row in your markbook. This will preserve the data for you, but minimise its presence as it is no longer as important. Your formula and resulting data would look something like:
"select Col1, Col2, Col3, Col6 where Col4 = '11EN' order by Col5, Col3, Col2")
Id | Given Name | Family Name | Left |
1001 | Jane | Doe | 09/09/2016 |
1000 | John | Doe | |
1003 | Another | Person | |
1002 | A | Person |
Alternatively, if adding the requisite columns isn’t possible or desirable, you could join the static importing and dynamic linking model together by pasting a list of student identifiers into your markbook and using sheets to do the heavy lifting, by looking up their details from a master sheet. Firstly, get a list of student identifiers using either of the methods above. If you are grabbing them from a master spreadsheet, import them into a temporary sheet, then copy just the identifiers and paste values ctrl+shift+v into your markbook. Then you can use the following formula in the next column to the identifier to grab the matching student details from the master sheet. This formula assumes that your starting row number for your student identifiers is ‘4’, if it isn’t you will need to adjust the final part of the formula (A4) accordingly.
CONCAT("select Col2, Col3, Col6 where Col1=", A4))
Once you have added this formula to your first row of the student data, and it is working as expected, you can use a drag-down fill to replicate it to each row. The keyboard shortcut for doing this is to select the whole range you want to fill (every cell in the column next to your identifier) and press ctrl-d (fill down). Using this hybrid method you can ensure your student details stay accurate but also control when you add / remove students from your markbook. Surely the best of the both worlds?
Privacy Considerations
Whilst not a public document, a markbook will typically be used in a virtually public environments; the classroom, in front of parents/guardians, a departmental or moderation meeting. In all these settings, many eyes will see the information it contains. You should therefore be careful about what personal or sensitive personal data you retain in your markbook.
Any data that you choose to include and store about a student should be relevant, useful and help you in the classroom on a day-to-day basis. Medical histories and extensive lists of special education needs should not be included, although you might choose to include a hyperlink to a secure page (password / credential protected) on your MIS / Intranet where that information can be found. Data that changes without your knowledge (such as contact details) should also not be included, as you may be relying on out-of-date information.
If you choose to include information about a student that could be deemed sensitive (such as particular educational needs or medical conditions) it is better done in terms of strategies, such as: may need to sit close to the front of the room. This ensures you are aware but without going into any specifics about the why. Always consider whether you would be professionally comfortable for a student or parent reading this information over your shoulder before including it.
Using it
If you are a Google Classroom devotee, then you will likely be creating, managing and marking assignments with Classroom. Classroom gives you two mechanisms to extract the marks / grades you enter. For the technologically confident, you can use the Classroom API and a little bit of Google Apps Script to import the most current results straight into your markbook every time you open it (see the snippets section of this site for further information). Alternatively, you can export all the current data from a class into a google sheet using the Student Work section of the class page (the same page where you return work from).
Currently, every time you export to Google sheets, it will create a new spreadsheet. This means you’ll need to copy and paste all the data from this sheet into your markbook. The easiest way to do this at the moment is to create a new sheet in your markbook for each class you have in your markbook, and also have in Classroom. From our earlier example, if you are creating a markbook for a class called ‘11CH’, and are also using Classroom to mark assignments, you should create a new sheet in your markbook called ‘11CH Classroom’ or something similar.
When you have done this, and every time you export your grades, make sure you have highlighted a cell inside your Classroom export sheet (just click anywhere) and select everything ctrl-a. Then copy this selected data ctrl-c and return to your newly created ‘xxx Classroom’ sheet. Here, select the top left cell (A1) and paste the current data ctrl-v. This will take a moment or two to import, but then you will have all the current data in your markbook. Unfortunately it is not yet in your main markbook for that class. For this you will need to use the wizardry of the formula below, copied into each cell where you would like the mark to magically appear.
MATCH(INDIRECT(ADDRESS(1, COLUMN())), 'xxxxx Classroom'!$2:$2, 0),,, "xxxxx Classroom")), "")
This formula, whilst it looks complex, is in fact quite simple to use. All you need to do is name the assignment in your markbook exactly the same as the name of it in Classroom (case-sensitive). Then replace the three instances of ‘xxxxx Classroom’ with the name of your Classroom sheet in your markbook and also change the ‘5’ to match the column number where you have your student email address (it will need these to match the ones in Classroom). In this case these are in the 5th column of the markbook (Column E). Also change the ‘1’ to match the row where you have put your assignment titles in your markbook (for most people this will be the first row, so you can leave it as one). You can copy and paste this formula, or drag-fill it across rows or down columns. It’ll work every time. When you paste in new data from Classroom, everything will update neatly, even if you’ve remarked an existing assignment.
Percentages can be easily calculated by adding a column to the right of your assignment column (the easiest way to do this is by clicking on the small downward pointing arrow in the column letter header, then selecting ‘Insert 1 right’). You can then add a formula to calculate the percentage by dividing the mark awarded by the maximum mark in the assignment column header. You should use the ‘$’ notation in your formula to lock the maximum mark reference (e.g. =E4/E$2). By doing this, when you fill or move the formula it will continue to divide by the maximum mark.
Once you have collected a non-trivial amount of data into your markbook, you can start to use it for analytical purposes. These will often take the form of questions, such as:
- What is the attainment of each student and how has it changed over time?
- How does the attainment of each student compare to a predicted value (value added)?
- Which students are above, or below, the arithmetic mean(commonly known as the average) of the class?
- Who are the outliers? Those students whose attainment falls above or below two standard deviations from the mean.
Many of the tools available in a spreadsheet can help you visualise and summarise data in order to answer these questions. None of the tools have much value unless you have a question you are looking to answer. The collection and interpretation of data is useless unless it is put into the service of answering specific questions.
Conditional Formatting
You are able to add another dimension of data display by highlighting individual cells (marks), rows (students) or columns (assignments) in your markbook using conditional formatting rules. These rules allow you to mark selections according to pre-programmed rules or write your own selection formulas. Ranges that match those criteria can then be formatted by changing background or text colours to draw attention to them. This will then give you an instant visual clue to help answer the types of questions posed above, an information dashboard formed from your class assessment data.
A sophisticated use of this might be to highlight missing marks (where there is no cell value), or those marks which are particularly high or particularly low. You can even set colours to band attainment (low, medium, high). Using highlighting colour in your markbook is an excellent way to convey further information about the values you see. It should never, ever be used as a way of ‘storing’ information, such as colouring a cell yellow to indicate that a student was absent for that assignment. It is much better to insert the word ‘absent’ and use conditional formatting to highlight all cells displaying that value in yellow. Why? Words are much less ambiguous that colours and meaning is therefore rarely lost or misinterpreted.
First codified by Edward Tufte, sparklines provide an excellent and compact mechanism to visualise a series of complex data points in the space of a single cell. A simple example is provided below (Example 1), showing all data from the second row of a sheet, from columns 5 to 9 (E2:I2).
SPARKLINE(E2:I2, {"charttype","column";"max",100})
You can also use the built-in sparkline command to create more complex sparklines for a range / set of data (e.g. marks for a student over time). For example, you might wish to use a columnar sparkline to visualise this data, with the highest / lowest marks highlighted in particular colours (such as red & green).
The formula below (Example 2) is for the same range of data, but includes highlight colours and also dynamically sets the minimum and maximum extents of the y-axis (the vertical, value axis) to the min / max mark in your markbook for this class. This helps keep all the axis for each sparkline the same, allowing for a simple visual comparison between students. If you are more concerned with the performance of an individual over time then you can let the formula choose axis extents for you, to give the greatest level of detail.
SPARKLINE(E2:I2, {"charttype", "column"; "axis", true; "lowcolor", "red"; "highcolor", "green"; "ymin", MIN($E$2:$I); "ymax", MAX($E$2:$I)})
Taking this particular sparkline further, we can combine it with an arrayformula function to plot deviation of marks from a class average over time (anything green above the horizontal axis has beaten the average, anything red is below the average) as show below (Example 3).
SPARKLINE(ARRAYFORMULA(E2:I2-AVERAGE(E:I)), {"charttype", "column"; "axis", true; "negcolor", "red"; "color", "green"; "ymin", MIN(ARRAYFORMULA($E:$I-AVERAGE($E:$I))); "ymax", MAX(ARRAYFORMULA($E:$I-AVERAGE($E:$I)))})
To use these examples, simply adjust the ranges to encompass the data you with to visualise.
This refers to the entire Google Spreadsheet (e.g. the ‘file’ in your Google Drive). This is the equivalent of a ‘workbook’ in Excel parlance. ▲
A spreadsheet can contain multiple sheets arranged as tabs at the bottom. It’s easy to reference data in each of these sheets using formulas or add-ons. In Excel, you would call this a ‘worksheet’ ▲
Tagged ► Sheet, Education, Google, Markbook
Related ► Google Calendars on the Web (01 Sep 2018), Protecting Data with Google Drive (14 Aug 2018), Dealing with confidential information in schools (24 Jul 2018)